M has decided he is going to take up baking!

His expertise is in other areas of cooking, so I think that the precision needed is going to be a bit of a culture shock for him! No matter what, successful baking is reliant on chemical reactions as is a lab experiment and, generally speaking, your Average Joe needs to measure ingredients exactly and follow directions precisely, at least until the recipe is understood and under control. Expert cooks who have spent a life-time making endless batches of Scones and Victoria Sponges till they are coming out of their ears ( like my grandmother, rest her soul,) could afford to take a 'handful' of this or a 'dash', 'pinch', or 'cup' (tea or breakfast - who knows?) of that. But as an amateur, I reckon, safe is better than sorry and even when I cooked in the cafe, I left nothing to chance when I was baking. A reliable set of
scales, measuring spoons, jugs and cups are always a necessity in my kitchen and always will be.
Anyway, will let you know what how it went later, when his first effort is out of the oven!
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